Call or Text (214) 380-3429 to get a cash offer on your house!
If you’ve never sold a home before, it might surprise you to know that most sellers have costs that they have to pay for. Among the costs that sellers are often responsible for are some of the closing costs. These include things like transfer taxes, title insurance, prorated property taxes, and HOA fees, among others. But what about if your buyer is paying in cash? Does that change anything?
Private cash buyers usually fall into one of a few different categories. They tend to be either home buyers looking for a new home in a less expensive area than where they were before, buyers looking for a house to flip, or buyers who want to buy a house that they can purchase and then rent out to make some money. When it comes to private cash buyers, you’ll need to negotiate who covers what as far as closing costs though. Just because they’re paying for your house with cash doesn’t necessarily mean that they’re willing to cover your share of the closing costs.
Professional home buying companies, on the other hand, are different. While each company has its own policies and procedures, many will cover the closing costs associated with selling a home. Joe Homebuyer Dallas is one such professional home buying company. We cover all the closing costs, saving you thousands of dollars when you sell your home to us.
Deciding who you want to sell your home to isn’t always a simple decision. Sometimes there’s more that goes into it than simply who makes the highest offer. You also need to consider the costs associated with who you sell your home to. Carefully weigh the offer against the costs so you can more clearly decide what offer makes the most sense for you and your situation.
At the end of the day, what you are responsible for as a seller in regards to closing costs will be up to what you and the buyer decide. Make sure that you have a clear understanding of what the buyer’s expectations are as well as your own expectations. That way you’ll know what to plan for in regards to costs you may be responsible for as the seller.
Professional home buying companies like Joe Homebuyer Dallas do things differently from just about any other buyer you’ll encounter. Click here to see how selling to us compares to selling your home with a local real estate agent.